Thursday 27 September 2012

The Shining

We have chosen to analyse the poster for the “Shining.” The typing is in red ink, the signifier signifies the title of the film “Shining” and this is an icon in the poster. The denotation of the style the title is written in is bold, red letters. This connotates the meaning of danger and blood. The style of the title also signifies and denotates that this is a horror film.
The Photo of Jack Nicholson in a close up is also the signifier and it signifies that he is angry, violent and crazy as he stares to the side where the axe and the woman is, with her mouth wide open as she is scared. This suggests him being the antagonist of the horror film. The connotation of the photo is an angry man, however we can denotate from the way he looks that he may want to kill the woman.
The signifier of the axe smashing through the door signifies violence and someone trying to break in. This is also an icon as we can instantly identify the action. Using weapons violently is a common convention of a horror, although the denotation is just an axe being hit through the door.
Another icon in the picture is the signifier of the mid-shot of the woman with an open mouth which signifies that she is shocked of the axe. The knife in her hands signifies how she is trying to protect herself. The denotation of the picture is a woman with a scared face expression and it connotates that she is terrified of the other character.

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